Travel expenses
Local money in Croatia is Kuna.
1€ ~ 7,4 Kuna
* The currency may vary on daily bases.
The lowest interchange fee in Croatia is for transactions with Maestro cards and is 0.82 per cent on the average, whereas the highest average interchange rare of 1.45 percent is for Visa cards.
Croatia is a member of the European Union.
If you are an European citizen, make sure to have a valid European health card.
It is also important to bring with you an insurance certificate.
Croatia is a member of the European Union.
If you are an European citizen and have an European Mobile phone contract, be assured that you will be in "Roaming" while being abroad. This means, that you can phone from Croatia to any other European country without any extra charges.
The trip to Croatia (Pula) is on your own costs.
Nevertheless we can always help you to find a good offer for your ticket and we will pick you up from the nearest airport or bus/train station!